v  The Google File System (GFS) was developed in the late 1990s. It uses thousands of storage systems built from inexpensive commodity components to provide petabytes of storage to a large user community with diverse needs.

v  The main concern of the GFS designers was to ensure the reliability of a system exposed to hardware failures, system software errors, application errors, and last but not least, human errors.

v  The system was designed after a careful analysis of the file characteristics and of the access models. Some of the most important aspects of this analysis reflected in the GFS design are:

ü  Scalability and reliability are critical features of the system; they must be considered from the beginning rather than at some stage of the design.

ü  The vast majority of files range in size from a few GB to hundreds of TB.

ü  The most common operation is to append to an existing file; random write operations to a file are extremely infrequent.

ü  Sequential read operations are the norm.

ü  The users process the data in bulk and are less concerned with the response time.

ü  The consistency model should be relaxed to simplify the system implementation, butwithout placing an additional burden on the application developers

Several design decisions were made as a result of this analysis:

ü  Segment a file in large chunks.

ü  Implement an atomic file append operation allowing multiple applications operating concurrently to append to the same file.

ü  Build the cluster around a high-bandwidth rather than low-latency interconnection network. Separate the flow of control from the data flow; schedule the high-bandwidth




data flow by pipelining the data transfer over TCP connections to reduce the response time. Exploit network topology by sending data to the closest node in the network.

ü  Eliminate caching at the client site. Caching increases the overhead for maintaining consistency among cached copies at multiple client sites and it is not likely to improve performance.

ü  Ensure consistency by channeling critical file operations through a master, a component of the cluster that controls the entire system.

ü  Minimize the involvement of the master in file access operations to avoid hot-spot contention and to ensure scalability.

ü  Support efficient checkpointing and fast recovery mechanisms.

ü  Support an efficient garbage-collection mechanism.


v  GFS files are collections of fixed-size segments called chunks; at the time of file creation each chunk is assigned a unique chunk handle.

v  A chunk consists of 64 KB blocks and each block has a 32-bit  checksum. Chunks are stored on Linux files systems and are replicated on multiple sites; a user may change the number of the replicas from the standard value of three to any desired value. The chunk size is 64 MB.

v  The architecture of a GFS cluster is illustrated in the below figure. A master controls a large number of chunk servers; it maintains metadata such as filenames, access control information, the location of all the replicas for every chunk of each file, and the state of individual chunk servers

Architecture of a GFS cluster



v  The locations of the chunks are stored only in the control structure of the master’s memory and are updated at system startup or when a new chunk server joins the cluster. This strategy allows the master to have up-to-date information about the location of the chunks.

v  System reliability is a major concern, and the operation log maintains a historical record of metadata changes, enabling the master to recover in case of a failure. To recover from a failure, the master replays the operation log. To minimize the recovery time, the master periodically checkpoints its state and at recovery time replays only the log records after the last checkpoint.

v  Each chunk server is a commodity Linux system; it receives instructions from the master and responds with status information.


v  The consistencymodel is very effective and scalable. Operations, such as file creation, are atomic and are handled by the master. To ensure scalability, the master has minimal involvement in file mutations and operations such as write or append that occur frequently.

v  Data for a write straddles the chunk boundary, two operations are carried out, one for each chunk.

The steps for a write request illustrate a process that buffers data and decouples the control flow from the data flow for efficiency:

1. The client contacts the master, which assigns a lease to one of the chunk servers for a particular chunk if no lease for that chunk exists; then the master replies with the ID of the primary as well as secondary chunk servers holding replicas of the chunk. The client caches this information.

2. The client sends the data to all chunk servers holding replicas of the chunk; each one of the chunk servers stores the data in an internal LRU buffer and then sends an acknowledgment to the client.

3. The client sends a write request to the primary once it has received the acknowledgments from all chunk servers holding replicas of the chunk. The primary identifies mutations by consecutive sequence numbers.

4. The primary sends the write requests to all secondaries.

5. Each secondary applies the mutations in the order of the sequence numbers and then sends an

acknowledgment to the primary.

6. Finally, after receiving the acknowledgments from all secondaries, the primary informs the client.


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